Sigmacom Uncompressed EtherMPX Encoder and Decoder
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AVW has completed the Sigmacom uncompressed EtherMPX Encoder/Decoder IP STL solution testing in Australia. EtherMPX is primarily designed for SFN with MPX over IP applications.
Commenting about the news, AVW Global CTO Murray Hunt said “Providing cost-effective, low latency IP STL’s for radio broadcasters is the aim of the Sigmacom ethermpx encoder-decoder. Being an uncompressed format there is freedom from modulation overshoot present on many bitrate reduced or compression based networks”
“As the link can carry left / right audio, AES3 audio or baseband / mux from a studio’s stereo generator and processor it provides a no-compromises-needed approach to audio transmission using cost-effective IP transport. Carry it on your WAN or IP radios!” Hunt added
Sigmacom, Chief Engineer, Stilianos Kirkalas, detailed not to compare IP based Radio STL’s with internet audio streaming of 128kbps mp3 with 20 seconds of buffering. This is uncompressed real-time audio traffic for improved quality and performance. EtherMPX with SFN+GPS options offers higher accuracy (+/-35nS) and is more economical (-60% in MSRP terms) compared to any other available in the market today.
Test and demonstration systems are available for evaluation from AVW for professional users and Network operators.
More product information is available on Decoder | Encoder
AVW Authorised Dealer
Formed in 1983, AVW Limited is a major supplier of technical goods and services to the Broadcast, Pro Audio, AV and ICT industries in New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia.
About Sigmacom Broadcast
Founded in 1996 in Greece, Sigmacom Broadcast offers innovative solutions on IP STLs and FM SFN applications, that are being used by Network Operators, private and government stations, in more than 26 countries. More info…